Collective expositions:
Women with passion
the Wiktoria Kubisz Culture House - 2012
prof. Elżbieta Kuraj, prof. Małgorzata Łuszczak, Katarzyna Żaczek, Ewa Kanik
The XX All-Polish
Vincent van Gogh Art Competition Rybnik 2012
The XX All-Polish
Vincent van Gogh Art Competition Rybnik 2013
The VI International Festival of Naive Art. in Poland
Katowice 2013
The Ignacy Bieniek Non-Professional Painting Competition
The Ignacy Bieniek Non-Professional Painting Competition
The XLVII Edition of the Non-professional Art Competition
The Municipal Museum in Ruda Śląska 2014

Colorful Rapsody.
Książnica Beskidzka in Bielsko-Biała, a branch in Oś. Beskidzkie
Gallery in street Zdrojowa, Jaworze
Ordianry and extraordianry women in the history of Poland – women of the war times
The painting exhibition at the Adam Asnyk Secondary School of General Education II in Bielsko-Biała 2015
Three of us
Dworek New Restaurant Bielsko 2015