lives and lives in Bielsko-Biała in southern Poland
In 1996 she graduated from the College of Art” OPUS- Art”. She has always been interested in children's behavioral systems, hence the choice of pedagogy at the WSP "TWP" in Warsaw. As a result of her interest in the subject of art history at the University of Silesia, she completed post-graduate studies at the Faculty of Art History.She worked as a teacher and conducted training for many years. Currently, her works are mainly related to oil painting and watercolors. She has participated in many individual and collective exhibitions in Poland and abroad. For years, she has been associated with a painting group led by Piotr Naliwajko at the Batory Culture Center in Chorzów.

She draws inspirations from everyday life. She adores photographs of Steve McCurry. His photographs are the inspiration for lots of her works. She has always admired Malczewski, same as Podkowiński, Mehoffer and the brothers of Gierymski. Until nowadays there has been longing in her for staring at a work which is absolutely perfect for her. She never misses an opportunity to see Turner „live“ in London. In Vienna she always checks current exhibitions at Albertinie, the Leopold Museum. There, she admires the abundant collection of Freud’s paintings.
From the moment she discovered Karin Jurick at Pinterest she is her faithful fan. For her she painted a figure of a girl on the beach, and the painting is a part of a private collection.
Her own children and the surrounding world provide inspirations for her. Paining of figures of children, animals, beach scenes, meadows, trips from common family walks brings her joy.
She always paints on Mondays.
She is prodded to activity by the thought of Miłosz „that, hardly written, losses its meaning“ - from this there is a need to paint, to record every-day reality with a brush.